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Version: v3


The Splash Screen API provides methods for showing or hiding a Splash image.


npm install @capacitor/splash-screen
npx cap sync


import { SplashScreen } from '@capacitor/splash-screen';

// Hide the splash (you should do this on app launch)
await SplashScreen.hide();

// Show the splash for an indefinite amount of time:
autoHide: false

// Show the splash for two seconds and then automatically hide it:
showDuration: 2000,
autoHide: true

Hiding the Splash Screen

By default, the Splash Screen is set to automatically hide after 500 ms.

If you want to be sure the splash screen never disappears before your app is ready, set launchAutoHide to false; the splash screen will then stay visible until manually hidden. For the best user experience, your app should call hide() as soon as possible.

If, instead, you want to show the splash screen for a fixed amount of time, set launchShowDuration in your Capacitor configuration file.

Background Color

In certain conditions, especially if the splash screen does not fully cover the device screen, it might happen that the app screen is visible around the corners (due to transparency). Instead of showing a transparent color, you can set a backgroundColor to cover those areas.

Possible values for backgroundColor are either #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.


If you want to show a spinner on top of the splash screen, set showSpinner to true in your Capacitor configuration file.

You can customize the appearance of the spinner with the following configuration.

For Android, androidSpinnerStyle has the following options:

  • horizontal
  • small
  • large (default)
  • inverse
  • smallInverse
  • largeInverse

For iOS, iosSpinnerStyle has the following options:

  • large (default)
  • small

To set the color of the spinner use spinnerColor, values are either #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.


These config values are available:

launchShowDurationnumberHow long to show the launch splash screen when autoHide is enabled (in ms)5001.0.0
launchAutoHidebooleanWhether to auto hide the splash after launchShowDuration.true1.0.0
backgroundColorstringColor of the background of the Splash Screen in hex format, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA. Doesn't work if useDialog is true.1.0.0
androidSplashResourceNamestringName of the resource to be used as Splash Screen. Only available on Android.splash1.0.0
androidScaleType'CENTER' | 'CENTER_CROP' | 'CENTER_INSIDE' | 'FIT_CENTER' | 'FIT_END' | 'FIT_START' | 'FIT_XY' | 'MATRIX'The ImageView.ScaleType used to scale the Splash Screen image. Doesn't work if useDialog is true. Only available on Android.FIT_XY1.0.0
showSpinnerbooleanShow a loading spinner on the Splash Screen. Doesn't work if useDialog is true.1.0.0
androidSpinnerStyle'horizontal' | 'small' | 'large' | 'inverse' | 'smallInverse' | 'largeInverse'Style of the Android spinner. Doesn't work if useDialog is true.large1.0.0
iosSpinnerStyle'small' | 'large'Style of the iOS spinner. Doesn't work if useDialog is true. Only available on iOS.large1.0.0
spinnerColorstringColor of the spinner in hex format, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA. Doesn't work if useDialog is true.1.0.0
splashFullScreenbooleanHide the status bar on the Splash Screen. Only available on Android.1.0.0
splashImmersivebooleanHide the status bar and the software navigation buttons on the Splash Screen. Only available on Android.1.0.0
layoutNamestringIf useDialog is set to true, configure the Dialog layout. If useDialog is not set or false, use a layout instead of the ImageView. Only available on Android.1.1.0
useDialogbooleanUse a Dialog instead of an ImageView. If layoutName is not configured, it will use a layout that uses the splash image as background. Only available on Android.1.1.0


In capacitor.config.json:

"plugins": {
"SplashScreen": {
"launchShowDuration": 3000,
"launchAutoHide": true,
"backgroundColor": "#ffffffff",
"androidSplashResourceName": "splash",
"androidScaleType": "CENTER_CROP",
"showSpinner": true,
"androidSpinnerStyle": "large",
"iosSpinnerStyle": "small",
"spinnerColor": "#999999",
"splashFullScreen": true,
"splashImmersive": true,
"layoutName": "launch_screen",
"useDialog": true

In capacitor.config.ts:

/// <reference types="@capacitor/splash-screen" />

import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
plugins: {
SplashScreen: {
launchShowDuration: 3000,
launchAutoHide: true,
backgroundColor: "#ffffffff",
androidSplashResourceName: "splash",
androidScaleType: "CENTER_CROP",
showSpinner: true,
androidSpinnerStyle: "large",
iosSpinnerStyle: "small",
spinnerColor: "#999999",
splashFullScreen: true,
splashImmersive: true,
layoutName: "launch_screen",
useDialog: true,

export default config;


To use splash screen images named something other than splash.png, set androidSplashResourceName to the new resource name. Additionally, in android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml, change the resource name in the following block:

<style name="AppTheme.NoActionBarLaunch" parent="AppTheme.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:background">@drawable/NAME</item>

Example Guides

Adding Your Own Icons and Splash Screen Images

Creating a Dynamic/Adaptable Splash Screen for Capacitor (Android)



show(options?: ShowOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>

Show the splash screen


Since: 1.0.0


hide(options?: HideOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>

Hide the splash screen


Since: 1.0.0



autoHidebooleanWhether to auto hide the splash after showDuration1.0.0
fadeInDurationnumberHow long (in ms) to fade in.2001.0.0
fadeOutDurationnumberHow long (in ms) to fade out.2001.0.0
showDurationnumberHow long to show the splash screen when autoHide is enabled (in ms)30001.0.0


fadeOutDurationnumberHow long (in ms) to fade out.2001.0.0